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Read this wall from start to finish and re-read often.

Why can you be at the top?

If they did it, so can you.


Instead of thinking that your challenges are unique to THIS business, realize they are the same with EVERY business. Examples: Every business must invest in marketing. Every business deals with theft, chargebacks, and losses. Every business is challenging and requires years of hard work.


You're not door-knocking leads to get an outcome. You're door-knocking leads to filter them into buyers or non-buyers.


You're not calling leads to get an outcome. You're calling leads to filter them into buyers or non-buyers.


It should be illegal to skip appointments because you "don't feel like going". You paid for the lead, you spent hours calling to book the lead and you want to skip the easiest step which is showing up? Instead of thinking about yourself, actually care about the client and their family.

Dial like a terminator. Just one call after the other with laser focus.


Thinking that your mindset doesn't matter, is in fact the worst mindset.


There's a great place to go when you're broke:
to work.


Don't let your WHY, get in the way of your WHY.

Spending time with loved ones is incredibly important and it's the reason you're sacrificing so hard to become financially independent in the first place. They go hand in hand.


Life is hard, get a helmet.


The Overblown Emergency Trap: Using life's little surprises as an excuse to let your business completely fall apart. It's OK if something is happening in your life, however, you can keep most of your business running while overcoming it.


The Disneyland Trap: Having a big week and immediately going to Disneyland and then coming home to policy cancellations. Have a stockpile of savings first, so you are financially comfortable.


If you don't perform, your team won't perform.


They can't kill your business, they can only kill your spirit. If you haven't quit, you haven't lost. 


Avoiding dial day is avoiding a paycheck.


The master has failed more than the beginner has tried.


Keep your belief level high and your actions and results will follow.


Growth Rule #1: Never Stop Hiring


Pretend you just joined FFL today.

Today is your first day.

How will you tackle the day?


If you don't dial you won't earn.

If you don't earn, you will either 1) quit or 2) get pissed off at yourself and start dialing. One of the two is guaranteed to happen. 


Don't be a "needy ghost". A "needy ghost" is an agent who has never followed instructions and is never on dials or active in any way and is in fact completely non-responsive. However, out of the blue, they call you with urgent demands. 


Don't disappear on dial day.


Chargebacks become much more noticeable when you don't have new sales coming in to cover them.


Don't take a break after a big week, keep up the momentum. Stack up significant savings before taking any time off.


They are already not your client so you have nothing to lose by showing up.


Doing nothing is far worse than failing temporarily.


Deposits are just a sign you've been dialing.


It's addicting to help families.


The "JGA trap". The "Just Go AIG" trap. 

A little bit of underwriting will yield a lot of extra money.


Magic happens when you persist.


Only hire full-time agents.


Be able to handle a lot of rejection without being discouraged.


Here you're mentored and trained by real millionaires and are given a proven roadmap for success. You need to bring the work ethic and we expect 100% total commitment.


New habits will change your course.


Clean up your social media. Look professional.


"P-TAG" Carriers accept direct express:
Prosperity, Transamerica, AIG, Great Western


Do a "nitty gritty budget" with clients. See their income vs. all expenses.


Have all agents take a personality test. Myers Briggs or Hexaco.


The less you invest in leads, the harder you have to work.


Daily affirmations are important. People are either positively affirming themselves or negatively affirming themselves, all the time, naturally.


Stop doubting your people.


I am the professional and I speak with confidence.


Think: I will be the last insurance agent this person sits with.


How you present yourself is how people will perceive you.


Take time to reflect and look at everything you ate, everything you watched, and everything you did.


Reward action, not hope.


Show your agents what an avg work day looks like, what the avg work expectations are.


The leads aren't going to change, we have to change.


All of your agents, including you, need to create a vision board of their incredible future.


Organize your time.


You should be able to explain a product in 60 seconds or less.


Stop lying to yourself.


Treat your clients like family.


I'm going to MAKE myself do it. I MUST do it. Period.


The biggest lie is that you're perfect.


Be humble.


Hard work works.


You are an insurance marketing organization.


Use social media to grow your business.


Keep competing. 


Think about your business in terms of the things you DO WANT. You got no-showed, which means you're booking and running appointments.
Good work.


Don't talk bad about yourself. Say the right things about yourself.


You're not bad on the phone. You're just getting better on the phone.


Good and bad actions have a compounding effect.


Audit your routines.


Enlarge your why.


Until you're perfect, it's not redundant.


The scoreboard is not the game. The game is improving yourself consistently.


Get your act together.


Have a morning routine.


Raise your standards. What does the inside of your car look like?


Have an intentional mindset. Have self-development coaches you listen to.


Teach people how to teach people (re-read that) to protect families.


When hiring ask: If I would .... would you .... questions. Like "If I would send you a video, would you watch it?"


Being late isn't a big deal. Let them know you understand you're late and could have easily rescheduled, but you wanted to make sure you showed up today in case something happened to them. 


They need me, I don't need me.


The value you provide far supersedes the appointment.


Communicate with people effectively. Don't frame yourself as a salesperson, frame yourself as a doctor.


He who sows the most, reaps the most. 


Take responsibility for your financial errors and mistakes.


Incorporate live transfers during dial day to boost sales.


Don't make a telesale without a new agent watching you. 


My word is my bond.


The value of insurance is the face value and how it's spent.


You are good at your job and you're trying to help the


Anything can happen at any time. It's best to be covered.


They can always increase their coverage later.


Some coverage is better than no coverage.


Breakdown all the ways they can use their face value. Explain what each amount will be used for.


Go in confident with clients. Increase their desire for insurance and play hard to get.


Connect hard-working members of your team together. They should feed off each other. Iorn sharpens iorn. 


If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.


“If other people are putting in 40 hour workweeks and you're putting in 100 hour workweeks, then even if you're doing the same thing, you will achieve in four months what it takes them a year to achieve.” - Elon Musk


4 hour workweek? Seasoned businesspeople understand that working 80-100 hours a week is a temporary sacrifice for a startup but will yield a massive harvest on the other side. We aren't trying to eek by covering our bills, we are trying to build generational wealth for our future bloodline. 


Success is not for everyone.


Hit $33,333 and you are an "ELITE" Influencer.


$33,333 per month is Hall of Fame production. That's the target needed to hit 400k in a year.


Message 100 people per day on instagram for recruiting. Takes about 30 minutes.


You either win or learn, there is no true failure.


New agents attribute success with luck and failure with skill. The truth is, success is guaranteed when you master the skill of persisting through failures.


Expect 10 no's for every yes. Once you realize this, you will start wanting as many no's as possible.




The power of thinking big is enormous. You're going to be thinking anyway, might as well think big. Thinking big takes the same mental energy as thinking small. 


Teach your agents to "go for no". The more "no" they get the better because statistically that means they will also get more "yes"


Pay influencers to get them to promote you and your agency on their stories. This is an effective method to grow your digital platform. 


Pay online influencers with more than 10k organic followers and Venmo them $100 to advertise on their story for recruiting or sales. 


Dave Anderson, Straight Line Persuasion, Jeremy Lee Miner, Grant Cardone University, Sandler Sales Training provide top-quality sales training.


You can make it in this business with $1,000 and a dream.


Train agents on how to suppress leads on the Integrity CRM. Give them a reward for suppressing 10 sold leads.


Publically recognize agents with high persistency.
85% , 90%, 95%+


Track 1st sale, 5 sales, 10th sale, 25th sale, 50th sale, 100th sale, 500th sale. 


Buy plaques and trophies for your team. People will move mountains to be recognized, and they deserve recognition.


You need a killer instinct to win in business.


An agent that buys leads has skin in the game.


Monitor and measure all your activity.


Activity, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), is the "inventory" of the insurance business. An agent with a large supply of calls, talks, and appointments is an agent with a thriving insurance business.


Rich people trade money to have time, poor people trade time to have money.


Agents that are difficult to work with or extremely negative, should not be permitted to take up large amounts of your resources. Terminate agents that are a consistent source of complaining and negativity. Your business will thank you and you will sleep like a baby. Life is too short to subject yourself to other's self-sabotaging behavior. 


The more promises you keep to yourself, the more powerful and more trustworthy you become to yourself. Be someone who obeys their own commands. That's how you achieve every goal.


Set boundaries with agents. They should be able to maintain minimum guidelines if they are truly working consistently. It helps them and their family more than anything else. 


A new agent is a sponge that absorbs information, so instill good habits in them early.


The best habits are waking up on time and dialing on time until you book 16 appointments. Keeping these two habits will revolutionize your business.


An agent who lacks good habits will have a much harder time than an agent who holds themselves accountable daily to keep good habits.


Understanding how to lead people and hold people accountable is the most important business skill.


Without accountability, people are much less successful and will be confused as to why they are failing. Once they realize it's the lack of accountability, their entire life will change.


Dial day impacts three days, not just one. If you miss a dials day, you've also missed two run days.


Your leaders should believe in $1,000,000 per month. It's possible and self-belief makes it real.


Blitzkrieg Growth Strategy:
50 Agents in Class per Week

25 Agents Contracted Per Week

 10 New Writers Per Week


If you can afford them, staff can be a superpower.

Don't bite off more than you can chew, but also don't be afraid to expand.


When financially comfortable, experiment with new lead sources. 


Issue 15k a month or you're broke.

Reframe negative events as being the best thing that could have happened for you. 


Lock-ins build camaraderie and cohesiveness.


Love on your people.


God put you here for a reason. 


We are victims of three things:
1. Our own ignorance

2. Our own laziness

3. Our own poor decisions


Your thoughts create your feelings.


Winners fail until they succeed.


It's an $80/m policy, not $1,000 chargeback.


You can never go negative with chargebacks.

If you protect 10 families and a family falls off, you still profited from 9 families after chargebacks.

You're always in the green!


It's not a chargeback, it's a rewrite.
Go rewrite the policy.


Never make permanent decisions based on temporary negative emotions. 


You either WIN or LEARN.
No such thing as failure.


A healthy fear is critical to your success as a businessperson.


Don't take this business for granted.
If you ignore the work, you will be humbled.

If you humbly work, you will achieve greatness.


You have permission to succeed beyond your wildest dreams.


Your actions must match your ambition.


Sales is freedom.


What if you COULD do it?


Give appreciation constantly. Never criticize, condemn or complain.


The easiest day was yesterday.


If you think you're not good at something, its just because you haven't had enough attempts at it yet. Anyone that persists and keeps attempting over and over will get eventually get good at it. This is an absolute guarantee.


Dial day expands with aged leads and it shrinks with newer leads.


The moment you feel like quitting, remember why you started.


Top producers are not working crazy hard, they are just working in general. They are not special. They just book 32 appointments, protect 10 families, rinse and repeat.


When you stop believing your own excuses, your business will experience rapid expansion.


Aged Internet Leads Expectations: Making 100 calls should result in 10 pickups. If you're getting less than 10% calls-to-pickup rate, you're either re-working previous leads or your phone number is marked spam. For every 10 talks, expect 2-3 booked. If you're getting less than 25% talk to book rate, something is wrong with your tonality, script or objection handling.

 Types that won't book: -Hung up on you. -Tell you they have no interest.

3 Types of Internet Leads will book:

1. Those that don't interrupt your script (talk in a slow/soft tone)

2. Those that have policies, book a review

3. Those that are under 40 and were looking at benefits from work

4. and maybe some that don't remember that you can try to re-establish a "why"


When dialing, use a sleepy tone or a soft tone. Don't use a high energy tonality. 


You must change your number daily using Sideline in order to avoid spam filters. Certain carriers and spam call apps will never remove a number marked spam, so changing your number is required.


The moment you feel like quitting, remember why you started.


Think long term. If you persist, the rewards are unbelievable.


Winners never quit, quitters never win.


It's incredible how quickly things get done when you focus all your energy at the task completely.


Always take ownership.


You can complain about how aged leads are lower intent or you can complain about how new leads cost more. Just pick one and then stop complaining lol.


Leading from the front = Critical to your team's growth. They want to see their leader winning and that will inspire deep belief in them.


Work harder than anyone on your team at selling and recruiting and you will grow at lightspeed.


5X and then REINVEST. Don't be cheap with leads and always track ROI for every batch. 


If you're haven't gotten a 5X ROI, the STOP and figure out why. Most likely you have to make more calls. Once you get 5X, resume buying more leads.


Rebooking no-shows is a hidden source of income. If you need extra money, tap that folder and you will have a high pickup rate and a high re-book rate. 


If someone is interested and willing to reschedule with me, I'm willing to show up again.


For every batch there is a certain percentage of people that will pickup the phone and a certain percentage that won't. If you re-call the same batch, you will likely get the same people picking up.


 Always Door Knock any lead that cost more than $20+ to generate. You paid extra for that exclusivity and freshness, you deserve to get your money's worth and the leads are waiting for you.


Anyone willing to door knock leads deserves respect and deserves victory. They are the ones actually willing to work.


Avoid the "Aged Leads Trap". The Aged Leads Trap is thinking "I have 250 internet leads, that means I'm good for the next few weeks". With aged leads, the goal is actually not to resolve all 250 internet leads. The goal is to protect 5 families and get an excellent ROI and then reinvest for another batch. When evaluating aged leads, DON'T look at the NUMBER of leads, look at how many families you protected from that batch ALREADY. As long as it's 5X, the leads did their job. It's time to get more.


When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.


If you want to grow, focus on duplication. As long an agent can sell 10k, they can start duplicating themselves and get new people to also do 10k.

Whoever duplicates the fastest wins.


Develop a diamond mindset. Become unbreakable.


Don't work to cover bills, it's a trap. Work to build massive cash reserves and massive financial prosperity.


Any day, aside from once a week, you aren't calling leads or running appointments is considered an unemployed day.


Be all in.


Every day is a dial day. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday are perfect days to dial.


I realized that I have nothing better to do today than dial the phone. What else will make me more money?


A determined mindset is the highest paid skill.


Dial day becomes a lot easier when you dial a lot more.


Dial day becomes a lot easier when you invest a lot more in leads.


Refusing to quit forces your mind to grow. Instead of shutting down, it expands and is forced to overcome the obstacles presented.


You don't sell insurance. Clients sell you on why they need insurance and if you are truly convinced of their need, then you can provide a solution.


You aren't selling anything. You are solving problems.


Move fast and break things.


Fail fast so you can win fast.


You either win or learn. There is no fail.

Win or learn!


The amount of money you made is directly tied to the amount of time you invested on the phones.


The amount of rejection you face on the phone is directly correlated to the amount of money you invested on leads.


Chargeback is like a clogged drain. Just unclog the drain.


The moment you stop dialing is the moment you become unemployed. Unemployment causes many financial problems. Simply starting to dial again will quickly solve any problems.


People from the club are different from people from the library. Same with lead sources.


Get a new number every dial day.


It's always a good time to get into business. Either the economy is good and your competitors are resting on their laurels or the economy is bad and your competitors are downsizing. You have a great opportunity either way.


When you have a vision, everything becomes easy.


The biggest threat is negative thinking.
Protect your thinking at all costs.


Show up to all appointments and go in with the mindset that your last appointment needs your help the most.


Top 3 Threats to your success: Negativity, Complacency, Phone Objections


You don't build a business on luck.


Train so hard, the battlefield is easy.


Track your numbers.


Every effort you make has a payoff.


When I got upset with myself for slacking off, that's when things changed.


If it's the leads fault, how can you grow?


The solution to all your problems is to work a lot harder.


If you're in a sales slump, the best solution to dial for other agents and help them make sales.


It takes the same mental energy to think small as it does to think big. So think big.


If you resolve every lead, protecting families is guaranteed.


Your job title is "Lead Resolver"


Life insurance is a recurring need product, so interest can remain even after a long period of time.


Sometimes in life, you meet someone rude. Leads are the same way, some people are rude. Keep moving forward.


Starting a business is like having a baby. Your income is no longer yours, your business will demand part of that income.


Leads are people. They are a human being with a heart and soul that needs your help.


Some leads are higher intent than others. Its impossible to tell by simply looking at them.


As a general rule, the more you're willing to invest in per lead, the more intent each lead will have.


As agency managers, agents are our clients.


If you want something. Go get it.

You only live one.


Don't rest in the middle, rest at the end.


Realize that most agents have low comp and no leads. They call friends and family to sell policies and end up in the NFL "No Friends Left" club. To have any leads at all is an absolute blessing and incredible opportunity. Take FULL ADVANTAGE of FFL!


Your income is directly related to your lead investment and your time investment.


If you're not willing to work voluntarily as a business owner, you will be required to work involuntarily as an employee.


Stick around until it becomes easy.


Treat this like a business and it pays like a business.

Treat this like a hobby and it pays like a hobby.


Life insurance is something you want to get while you're still alive. 


Everything you do today will have a long-term impact on your future. Will you be happy with your long term results?


Get in front of people.


A good benchmark is 5X. After 5X, your focus should be on getting a new batch of leads instead of re-working your old leads. 


If you think mindset doesn't matter, think of that politician you disagree with. What's the difference between you and them? Their mindset. Mindset has a massive impact on everything.


The people who spend all their time thinking about what they are going to do perform far worse than those who spend all their time actually taking action.


A big city has lots of traffic, a rural town has long distances. Drive time is the same no matter where you are. 


Smart people try to change the system. The smartest people follow the system. 


Success loves speed.


Broke = Not willing to work

People who hurt you are hurt themselves. People who feel amazing about their life have no reason to hurt others.


If you can't handle failure, you don't deserve success.


Life insurance is the coolest thing ever.


As a business owner, your laziness catches up to you.


The more you notice chargebacks, the less you're working.


The quality of your questions will determine the quality of your results.


Every business has chargebacks. Walmart expects some returns and some theft. It's all expected and the business remains highly profitable.


Stick around until it becomes easy. If it's hard you still haven't persisted long enough. 


Raise your standards.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


You've got to love winning more than you hate losing.


No time to be healthy? Then you must have time to be sick.


WWSD: What Would Shawn Do?


The speed of the leader will determine the speed of the team.


The best promoters build the biggest business.


If it doesn't get written down, it doesn't get done.


Notetakers are moneymakers.


Write down goals daily.


Closed mouths don't get fed.


Be consistent. People are watching you.


Don't work harder for someone else than you do for yourself.


Building and selling at the same time is very doable. Be super tight with your schedule and have staff take over time consuming busy-work. Allocate time for coaching and mentoring.


If you the have heart to serve, you will crush it in business.


Every lead type sucks and every lead type is amazing.


Set the right expectations.


Leadflow is the gasoline of your business. 


What you lack in money, you must provide in effort.


If you're not willing to door knock to stay in business, do you really deserve to stay in business?


Everything you're not willing to do holds the key to solving all of your current problems.


Fight or flight. Adversity reveals your true character. Who are you REALLY?


Keep showing up. Every day adds up.


When you serve for others, you life changes completely and your motivation changes completely. 


Serving others feeds your soul.


You GET to serve.


It's about THEM not you.


Work so hard you build an immunity to doubt.


Set the pace. Be accountable. Know each other. Run it like a sports organization.


85% of HOF producers sell advanced markets vs. only 7% of average producers.


You're a leader because of your mindset. You lead the way with positive, powerful thinking. 


Its impossible to be negative and grateful at the same time.


Sow more seeds.


Sowing in the spring or begging in the fall.


The key to recruiting is showing potential hires that you know how to execute.


Listen to what people are telling you.


The biggest thing most people are missing: self-respect.


It's never to early to look at the numbers.


No man left behind.


Do you look down on your people or do you pull them up to your level?


Be bold or be broke.


Every "No" gets you closer to a "Yes".


Develop your dialing superpower.


The bills never stop, neither should the work ethic.


This business is all about the new leads, the new sales, the new deposits, the new income.


The more you put in, the more you have. The less you put in, the less you have.


Sales is almost its own spiritual journey.


A big enough "why" can make you move mountains with laser focus and unmatched tenacity.


If you're not working hard on your goals then your "why" is a lie.


Celebrate work ethic.


The more calls you make, the more sales you make. It's like magic.


Making calls = Making money


The harder you work, the luckier you get.


Show the phone who is boss.


There is no better use of your time today than dialing the phone.


You are in control.


Self belief is the highest paid skill.


Go ALL in.


Work ethic always wins.


If you call a lead enough, they eventually pick up.


The leads work if you work.


Always be de-escalating.


Everything can change overnight.


Don't ask for advice if you're not going to follow it.


If you're not winning, you will either quit or you will change. One of the two is guaranteed to happen.


Invert the process. How can you make sure what you want to happen doesn't happen? What are all the things you would do if you didn't want the result to happen. New way of thinking. Reverse engineer the outcome.


Sell the outcome, not the product.


When you hire staff, you need to set aside time to train them fully.


Why must you win? What is driving you deeply?


Commit that you'll be here a year from now.


If there's no setup, there's no sale.


The more you do it, the easier it gets.


Set a FIRM schedule and follow it.


Get uncomfortable.


You are problem-solver. Solve their problem.


Run more appointments.
Run more appointments.
Run more appointments.


Lead cost = Lead intent


Listen to affirmations daily.


Leads work with hard work.


Working hard on your future cures depression.


Don't expect great success with mediocre efforts.

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